Campbell Biology 11th edition {Download link}

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Finding a perfect biology book that covers all the syllabus and has the necessary figures, tables and graphs to explain the concepts is a real effort. But we have made your life easy by suggesting a top-notch biology textbook for college level. 

The Campbel biology 11th edition is a super in-demand book because of its reliable content and capability to explain concepts understandably. In addition, the book contains updated and current information and prepares the student for their great biology career. 

Recommendation for the best:

Campbell Biology comes in the most successful biology textbooks that also has MasteringBiology. The Campbell 11th edition of the top-selling biology textbook encourages students on the path to gain success in biology by its engaging and narrative, and reader-friendly format.  The 11th edition Campbell biology was published by Pearson on Oct 5, 2016.

To engage students in developing a deeper understanding of biology, 11th edition, Campbell Biology encourages and challenges students to apply their skills and knowledge to various new exercises and activities in the text and online.  The content in the 11th edition is updated and reflects evolving research and modern learning tools that may include Visualizing figures, Problem Solving Exercise, Visual Skills Questions and more. 

The 11th edition of Campbell Biology contains an engaging and clear narrative, innovative art and photos, superior skills instruction and completely integrated media resources to improve learning and teaching. 

Features and benefits

 MasteringBiology is an online assessment, homework and tutorial product designed to enhance results by assisting students in mastering concepts quickly. The 11th edition Campbell also involves integrated and supported features with MasteringBiology assessments such as new figure Walkthroughs, Get Ready for This Chapter questions, Galapagos Evolution Video Activities, Problem-solving exercise, and Visualizing Figure Tutorials and much more. MasteringBiology will provide you with the essential tools to learn and get good results in exams.

 MasteringBiology is an online assessment, homework and tutorial product designed to enhance results by assisting students in mastering concepts quickly. The 11th edition Campbell also involves integrated and supported features with MasteringBiology assessments such as new figure Walkthroughs, Get Ready for This Chapter questions, Galapagos Evolution Video Activities, Problem-solving exercise, and Visualizing Figure Tutorials and much more. MasteringBiology will provide you with the essential tools to learn and get good results in exams.

  • Personalized tools for study: You can check what you know and what you do not know, and you can also spend your time filling up the gaps. 
  • MasterigBiology provides immediate feedback: You can access immediate feedback and assistance on quizzes, assignments and all the problems you are facing. It will never let you stuck in your studies
  • The Mobile eText: With the help of Mobile eText, you can learn the biological terms no matter where you are. 


Campbell Biology is a highly recommended book for college-level biology students. If you are searching for a good biology book, go for it, you will have a good experience. Also, do not forget to share your best experience with us. Do let us know in the comment section if you are finding another book so that we can help you with this. 


  • Illustrative examples, figures and graphs.
  • Engaging and updated content
  • Online access via MasteringBiology.


  • Short serving bookbinding



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